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77 Were Street
Brighton, VIC, 3186

03 9592 2397

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Our identity, Leadership and Governance


Our Identity, Leadership and Governance


The Anglican Parish of Saint Peter in Brighton Beach is an essentially missional Anglican parish in the catholic tradition. Part of the Anglican Diocese of Melbourne’s Jumbunna Region of episcopal care, Saint Peter’s is part of the Anglican Church of Australia, the worldwide Anglican Communion, and the one, holy, catholic and apostolic church. As part of the Anglican Diocese of Melbourne, our vision is ‘to make the Word of God fully known’ in Brighton Beach, ‘in order to present everyone mature in Christ’.

The unity of the worldwide church rests in the presence of Jesus Christ himself in every local celebration of the Eucharist. Saint Peter’s participation in the worldwide church finds visible expression through its participation in the ‘Brighton Covenant of Churches’. An ecumenical body representing the whole church in Brighton, the covenant exists to promote and express the unity of God’s church in the Brighton area.

Leadership and governance

In baptism, the whole church is summoned to witness to God’s love and to work for the coming of his kingdom. To this end, God has given to the church the threefold ministry of bishops, priests and deacons. Bishops are ordained to be shepherds of Christ’s flock and guardians of the faith of the apostles, proclaiming the gospel of God’s kingdom and leading his people in mission. Obedient to the call of Christ and in the power of the Holy Spirit, they are to gather God’s people and celebrate with them the sacraments of the new covenant. Priests are ordained to leadership in the local congregations, as ministers of the Word of God, and the sacraments of God. They are called also to the spiritual leadership of the local congregation. Thus formed into a single communion of faith and love, the church in each place and time is united with the church in every place and time. (Text adapted from A Prayer Book for Australia.)

Leading the Anglican Parish of Saint Peter’s Brighton Beach are:

•       the Archbishop of Melbourne, the Most Revd Dr Phillip Freier

•       the Bishop of the Jumbunna Episcopate, Bishop Paul Barker

•       the Vicar of the Anglican Parish of Saint Peter’s Brighton Beach, the Revd Jonathan Chamberlain

•       the Parish Council of the Anglican Parish of Saint Peter’s Brighton Beach

Parish council members of Saint Peter’s are:

•       Simon Angus (Church warden)

  • Julia Charleston

•       Faye Murphy (Church warden)

•       Louise Hattam

•       Carol Hocken (Church warden)

  • David Houghton (Treasurer)

•  Paul Atlee

•       Catherine Wallace

Governance and compliance

Part of the Anglican Diocese in Melbourne, the Parish is governed according to the laws, policies and procedures of the Diocese. A number of new laws, policies and procedures have been introduced in recent years which have had a significant impact on the way that a local Anglican parish is governed. The most important of these are set out below.

Parish Governance Act - How a Parish is governed

Plain English Guide to the Parish Governance Act

Professional Standards - Standard of Behaviour Expected of Parish Leaders and Parishioners

Child Safe Standards - Standard of Behaviour Expected of Parish Leaders and Parishioners in relation to children within a Parish

Parish Council Handbook - How a Parish Council governs

Stipend Determination Guideline - How a Parish Vicar is Remunerated

For all inquiries in relation to leadership, governance or compliance in the Anglican Parish of Saint Peter in Brighton Beach, please contact Christine Fitzherbert, Parish Secretary, on