At Saint Peter’s we preach the Word of God. It is the preaching ministry of Christ himself. This is in accordance with the promise of Christ himself, ‘Whoever hears you, hears me.’ The preaching of the Word of God has a sacramental focus, pointing to the reconciliation with God that is effected in baptism and confirmed in the Eucharist. Our preaching aims at both confirming and strengthening the faith of the existing worship congregation through liturgical preaching, and the baptism and faith of new believers through missional preaching.
We preach Christ crucified, a stumbling block to Jews and foolishness to Greeks
—1 Corinthians 1:23
To listen to the most recent sermon preached at Saint Peter’s, go to our website homepage.
To listen to a sermon preached at Saint Peter’s, go to our Youtube channel.
To read a sermon preached at Saint Peter’s, simply click on the links below.
Year C 2025
The Presentation of Christ in the Temple
The Baptism of our Lord, There’s a wideness in God’s mercy
Christmas 2, Jesus of Nazareth is the Word of God
Christmas Day, All the treasure and the trash
Advent 3, Return to me says the Lord
Advent 2, Christian moral conviction, clarity and courage
Advent 1, Stewardship Sunday, The Woman with the Alabaster Jar
Year B 2024
Christ the King, The Kingdom of God
Pentecost 26, The Song of Hannah
Pentecost 25, Unless the Lord builds the house
Pentecost 23, Spiritual Garden (Rev’d Chester Lord)
Pentecost 18, The Victory of God
Pentecost 14, A Good Heart (Rev’d Chester Lord)
Pentecost 10, Prayer for the society and the church
Pentecost 9, If you truly want to understand the present or yourself, you need to begin in the past
Pentecost 7, The Christian Theology of the Cross
Patronal Festival, The Good News
Pentecost 5, Prayer in June for the church and for the world
Pentecost 5, David and Goliath (Prayer in July)
Pentecost 4, Very early in the morning, while it was still dark
Trinity, Trinity Sunday, Rev Chester Lord
Pentecost, A Pentecost Reflection, Lucy Chamberlain
Ascension, Jesus Christ is the Ruler of the Kings of the Earth
Easter 5, The securest attachment
Easter 4, The stone that the builders rejected has become the chief cornerstone
The Great Escaper, Sermon for the Funeral of April Mason
Easter Day The Judgment and the Passover of God
Maundy Thursday Now the ruler of this world will be driven out
Palm (Passion) Sunday You will know the truth and the truth will set you free
Lent 3 The Son of Man Lifted Up
Lent 2 The Christian Doctrine of Sin and the Christian Ministry of Reconciliation
Lent 1 The Christian Doctrine of Sin and the Difficulty of the Topic
Ash Wednesday, The Dignity and Misery of Humanity
Last Sunday after Epiphany, Salt and light making an impact, Rev’d Chester Lord
The Presentation of Christ in the Temple, We proclaim Jesus Christ and him crucified
Baptism of our Lord, The Godfather
Christmas Day (Rev’d Chester Lord)
Advent 3, The grace of God has appeared bringing salvation to all
Advent 2, Hark the Herald (Stephanie)
Advent 1, The truth about history
Year A 2023
Sermon Pentecost 25, Get behind me Satan
Sermon Pentecost 24 Justice and Peace in the Middle East
Pentecost 22, Why did Jesus have to die?
Pentecost 21, Matthew Empire St Peter’s by Rev’d Chester Lord
Pentecost 19, The Stone that the Builders Rejected Has Become the Chief Cornerstone
Pentecost 18, The Reconciliation of the World to God by the death of Christ
Pentecost 17, My eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord
Pentecost 15, The Lost Sheep and the Good Shepherd
Pentecost 14, The Glory of God in the Cross (Stephanie Gotze)
Pentecost 13, The Kingdom of God
Pentecost 12, Stand fast in awe
Pentecost 11, Jesus Calms the Storm
Pentecost 10, I still call Australia home
Pentecost 9, My Garden is a Lovesome Thing
Pentecost 5, Whoever receives you receives me
Trinity Sunday, The Lord’s Prayer
Pentecost, The world is charged with the grandeur of God
Easter 6, Anglicanism; it’s the real deal, isn’t it?
Easter 5 Jesus the Good Shepherd
Easter 4 I am the Good Shepherd
Lent 5, The Raising of Lazarus
Lent 2, The Very Hungry Caterpillar
Ash Wednesday, Godhead here in hiding
The Presentation of Christ in the Temple
Last Sunday after Epiphany, I was Carried
Year C 2022
Pentecost 8, Seek ye first the Kingdom of God
Pentecost 7, Jesus the Good Shepherd
Pentecost 5, The Church of St Francis, Owo, Nigeria
Patronal Festival, Lest we should miss the stars
Archbishop of Melbourne Ad Clerum June 2022
Pentecost 2, Imprisonment, inheritance, unity, freedom, By Stephanie Gotze
Sunday after Ascension, Christian unity, in a divided world
Lent 5, The Woman with the Alabaster Jar
Ash Wednesday, Ash Wednesday and the Hope it Offers
Epiphany 7, Hands and Feet of Jesus, by Stephanie Gotze
Epiphany 6, The love of God that binds us all
Epiphany 5, See, I am making all things new
Epiphany 4, The Heavens Declare the Glory of God
Epiphany 2, The Wedding at Cana
Christmas Day, For the Grace of God has Appeared
Year B 2021
Christ the King, Aunty Pauline
Pentecost 25, The God who gives and takes away (Stephanie Gotze)
Pentecost 24, Blessed are the poor in spirit
Pentecost 23, Render to Caesar, and to God
Pentecost 22, The Suffering of Job
Pentecost 20, Far from the shallows
Pentecost 19, God made them male and female
Pentecost 16, Christian Worship and the Proclamation of the Gospel
Pentecost 15, Christian Worship and the Fellowship of the Church
Pentecost 13, The Presence of Christ and the Holy Spirit
Pentecost 12, The Offering and Presence of Christ
Pentecost 11, The Representation of Christ
Pentecost 10, The Real Presence of Christ
Eulogy for Ed Oldham (Louise Austin)
Patronal Festival, I will feed them with justice, says the Lord
Pentecost 4, Jesus calms the storm
Pentecost 3, The kingdom of God is not a working bee
Pentecost 3, Truth Forever on the Scaffold
Ascension, The Ascension of the Lord (Stephanie Gotze)
Funeral for Nan Woods at Eastertide, Death be not proud
Holy Week, Passiontide and Easter
Easter Day Behold, I am making all things new
Good Friday The Passion of Christ
Maundy Thursday Breathe in, breathe out
Lent 4 For God so loved the world
Lent 2 But who do you say that I am?
Lent 1 (Stephanie Gotze)
Christmas and Epiphany
Epiphany 4 And one Lord Jesus Christ, through whom are all things and through whom we exist
Christmas Day (Midnight Eucharist)
Year A 2020
The Reign of Christ Expectant waiting is grounded in spiritual reality not of this world
Pentecost 15 The hour of liberty
Pentecost 14 Animal Farm (The Lost Sheep)
Pentecost 13 For my sake and for the sake of the Gospel
Corpus Christi How can we sing the Lord’s song in a strange land?
Trinity Sunday (Lucy Chamberlain)
Pentecost Sermon (Jacinta Holmes)
Ascension Day Sermon for Ascension Day at the time of the Coronavirus
Easter 5 It’s a beautiful day in the neighbourhood
Easter 3 The Word of God Fully Known
Lent 2 Now is the healing time decreed
Lent 1 Into the wilderness (Lucy Chamberlain)
Christmas 1 Darkness is a Monster that Lies (Archbishop Welby)
Advent 3 Repent and rejoice (Stephanie Gotze)
Year C 2019
Christ the King Christ is the King
Pentecost 17 Faith (Fr Chester Lord)
Pentecost 13 Jesus Christ, Redeemer
Pentecost 11 Jesus Christ is the eternal flame
Pentecost 9 Do not be afraid, little flock
Mission Sunday To Make the Word of God Fully Known
Pentecost 5 The Good Samaritan (Fr Roger Wood)
Pentecost 2 For you are all one in Jesus Christ
Pentecost Our vision and mission
To make the Word of God fully known
Ascension Look up at the Son of Man lifted up
Easter 4 Simon, son of Jonah, do you love me, more than these?
Easter 3 Do you love me more than these?
Easter Day The Resurrection of the Son of God
Good Friday Sermon by Revd Chester Lord
Maundy Thursday The Passion of Christ
Sunday of the Passion (Palm Sunday) The Justice and Love of God
Lent 4 In the footsteps of Jesus
Lent 3 When the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth?
Lent 2 Are you happy in this modern world?
Lent 1 The Soul of our Church has been grievously wounded from the evil of sexual abuse
Ash Wednesday Know where you are going and be on your way
Epiphany 6 The Upside Down Kingdom of God
The Presentation of Christ in the Temple
Epiphany 2 The homeless mind (the heart is restless)
Christmas A Christmas Message - ‘Freedom’
Advent 1 Hold to Christ, and for the rest be uncommitted
Year B 2018
Christ the King My kingdom is not from this world
All Saints’ Day Human action is divine action
Pentecost 23 Let there be light
Pentecost 22 The Righteous Will of God
Pentecost 21 For this Reason
Pentecost 20 The Ransom for Many
Pentecost 16 O Sing a New Song to the Lord
Pentecost 14 See, I am making all things new
Pentecost 12 The Supper of the Lamb
Pentecost 11 The Lord is king let the earth rejoice
Pentecost 10 Love Bade Me Welcome
Pentecost 9 Over the house, heavenward
Pentecost 8 The Lord of the Dance, by Roger Wood
Pentecost 6 Out of the depths I cry to you O Lord
Pentecost 5 The love of God - On Christian leadership
Pentecost 3 Lament as a means of grace
Holy Trinity Sunday Out of the Depths I cry to you
Easter 7 A Time to Love - To Preach and to Protect
Easter 6 Christian hope gives wings to love
Easter 4 Through locked doors, Jesus comes (Part II)
Easter 3 Life in all its Fulness
Easter 2 Through locked doors, Jesus comes
Lent, Holy Week and Passiontide
Good Friday Prisoners released upon a larger world
Passion (Palm) Sunday Humble and riding on a donkey
Lent 4 The Son of Man lifted up
Lent 3 Now therefore, O kings of the earth, be warned
Lent 2 The call to discipleship
Christmas and Epiphany
Epiphany 3 We are Fishers of People
Epiphany 2 He's not safe. But he's good. He's the King, I tell you
Baptism of the Lord The Voice of the Lord is upon the Waters
Christmas 1 The Archbishop of Canterbury's Christmas Sermon
Christmas Thank you God for what you did for me
Advent 3 The Spirit of the Lord is upon me
Advent 1 The Joy of the Gospel
Year A 2017
Christ the King The world doesn't have the final say
Pentecost 24 Let down your nets for a catch
Pentecost 23 Remembrance Day - A redefinition of glory
Pentecost 22 The confrontation is love
Pentecost 21 Ready and robed in the kingdom of God
Pentecost 20 Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's
Pentecost 18 Be even more than you are
Pentecost 13 You are a city on a hall - the task of Christian mission
Pentecost 12 The eternal flame
Pentecost 10 The quality of mercy is not strained
Pentecost 8 The Spirit intercedes for us with sighs too deep for words
Pentecost 7 For the beauty of the earth
Pentecost 3 (Saint Peter) The Signature of God
Pentecost 2 Return to the Lord, O my soul
Trinity Sunday The Kingdom of God
Holy Week and Easter
Easter 7 In him we live and move and have our being
Easter 6 The man from Snowy River (children's address)
Easter 5 We are all kings in exile
Easter 4 Was it not necessary that the Messiah should suffer?
Easter Sunday First light (cont)
Passion Sunday Like one from whom people hide their faces
Lent 5 All that matters is to be at one with the living God
Lent 4 Lord who hast form'd me out of mud
Lent 1 Temptation as formation for leadership
Epiphany 8 The Transfiguration
Epiphany 6 Love is patient, love is kind
Epiphany 2 Behold the Lamb of God
Epiphany 1 The Baptism of the Lord
Christmas Silent in the Widening Light
Advent 3 The Presence of the Future
Year C 2016
Pentecost 25 Nothing is so like God as stillness
Pentecost 23 Let the Children Come to Me
Pentecost 20 Community Sunday No man is an island
Pentecost 19 We are more alike than we are unalike
Pentecost 15 Oh Lord it's hard to be humble
Pentecost 14 It's a Magic Wardrobe (Children's Address)
Pentecost 13 The Fiery Spirit of God on the Water
Pentecost 12 All shall be well
Pentecost 11 You can't take it with you
Pentecost 7 Saint Peter and Paul Only for the love of God and in honour of the Apostle
Pentecost 4 Let all mortal flesh keep silence
Pentecost 3 Tis the gift to be simple tis the gift to be free
Pentecost 2 The hills are alive with the sound of music
Pentecost 1 Trinity Sunday The Searing Light of Grace
Easter Sunday I have walked out in rain and back in rain
Easter 7 That they may be one so that the world may believe
Easter 5 See the home of God is with men
Easter 3 The Lord is my Shepherd
Holy Week
Good Friday Behold the Lamb of God
Maundy Thursday This is the night of betrayal
Lent 5 The anointing at Bethany
Lent 4 The return of the Prodigal Son
Ash Wednesday
Ash Wednesday Incurable and unbelieving
Epiphany 5 The transfiguration
Epiphany 2 The Wedding at Cana
Epiphany 2 The voice of the Lord is upon the waters
Christmas Day Blue homespun and the bend of my breast
Christmas Midnight Mass Kneeling in Bethlehem
Christmas 2 The Word made Flesh